Portugália tanulmányút

Study trip to Portugal

Our colleagues participated at a study trip in Portugal, where they had a chance to get to know many new solutions regarding irrigation and water usage. Climate change poses a…

Cash Crop konferencia Spanyolországban

Cash Crop conference in Spain

The agribenchmark Cash Crop network held its annual conference for network members in Valladolid, Spain, between 9-16 June this year, where AKI was represented by Zsuzsa Molnár and Ildikó Edit…

EU Farmbook news

EU-FarmBook online training for uploaders

The EU-FarmBook is organising several training sessions to support contributors in uploading practice-oriented materials and in integrating or connecting project platforms or EU, regional, national, or sector-level online knowledge reservoirs…

AdvisoryNetPEST project kicked off

The Institute of Agricultural Economics is a partner in the recently started AdvisoryNetPEST  project, that is funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and will…