The Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI) is one of Hungary’s most successful institutions in terms of participation in projects under Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, the Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, addressing societal challenges in the field of agriculture and food production.
Over the past years, AKI has built up an extensive network of international contacts and developed the internal competences needed to implement the proposals and is now a confident partner in Eastern Europe for the establishment of partnerships, taking on a more significant role, either as task or work package leader.
For AKI, the proposals submitted in October 2021 represent an important milestone, as they will support the development of the member countries and the EU-wide Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS). The methodological knowledge, networking, platforms and events that the projects will generate will contribute significantly to the development of the national CAP innovation and digitisation network, involving a significant number of national actors, including advisors, researchers, the Ministry of Agriculture and practitioners. So we are looking forward to years of intense knowledge transfer during the implementation of the awarded projects:
MODERNAKIS aims to improve AKIS actors’ capacities to leverage individual, organizational and systemic resources needed for the transformation towards more coherent, effective and efficient AKIS systems and the transition to a more sustainable management and use of natural resources in farming and forestry.
The ATTRACTISS project aims to develop and embed competencies, approaches, instruments and governance models for Innovation Support Services (ISS) and Member States AKIS to enable individual grassroots innovative ideas to come to fruition and generate solutions for the transition process towards more sustainable agriculture and forestry.
EU FARMBOOK, a continuation of the EUREKA H2020 project, will provide an EU-wide open access platform that connects research and practice to ensure that the practice-ready knowledge and innovative solutions generated by EU-funded projects are more readily available and easily accessible to farmers, foresters, advisors and other potential users.
The overall aim of VISIONARY is to improve the sustainability of agriculture by promoting those practices in food production systems that are more environmentally friendly, economically viable and socio-culturally appropriate, and helping to remove the barriers to their adoption.